I’m Looking for an Intern

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I’m looking for an intern! I have a number of large projects coming down the pipeline soon and am looking for an ambitious, driven young person to join me. This provides an excellent opportunity to get your feet wet with publishing, writing, editing, and production, as well as to join me in some of the activities that make up my day-to-day.

Applicants should be young people who are eager to learn, are largely self-driven, and have a strong desire to add to the vision evinced by my writing in education, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

The selected candidate will largely work remotely for 5-10 hours per week, but will meet with me 1-2 times a month to discuss projects and work together. This is not a “go pick up my dry cleaning for me” kind of role — I just need somebody to help me with much of the work I currently do. The selected individual will be doing work that I did for others not too long ago and I found incredibly valuable. I will teach them what I learned and provide new opportunities in related areas and more.

What You’ll Do…

  • Compile and edit existing content
  • Design basic graphic work for new book content (e.g., cover, some simple illustrations)
  • Research new distribution channels
  • Possibly do some audio production and editing, as well as distribution through Soundcloud

The Ideal Candidate Will…

  • Be 16-23 years old
  • Be located in the Pittsburgh, PA metro area
  • Have basic graphic design skills
  • Have a high written communication competency.
  • Be familiar with Google Drive
  • Have extremely high competency in email communication (i.e., responds to emails within 12 hours)
  • Be excited about the messages of self-directed education, autonomy, building a business, and other themes present in my writing

Interested candidates should email me expressing their interest in working with me.

This is an unpaid internship, but will offer the opportunity for commission-based pay. An excellent candidate will also have the opportunity to see the inner-workings of my work with Praxis and access to my business network.

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