The 3 Mental Tools I Used to Overcome a Scarcity Mindset

The year was 2014. I had just started working as one of the first employees of a bootstrapped, early stage startup. This was the stage where everything mattered. Every customer mattered. Every business partner mattered. Every expenditure mattered. If you’ve ever been on the ground-floor of an early stage company, you know how nerve-wracking this […]

Forget Resolutions. Create Momentum.

This post was originally published on Medium at Personal Growth. Follow Zak on Medium to get notifications of new content. The start of the New Year provides an opportunity to sit back, think about what you really want, and to set a plan towards the achievement of those things. Most resolutions are things like, “get in better […]

Liberation Towards Excellence

In his recent post, “The Days are Long But The Decades Are Short,” Y Combinator cofounder Sam Altman notes some of the things he’s learned in three decades of life. Some of these are pretty common sensical, like putting your close friends, family, and significant other high on your priorities list, doing most things you think […]

What Skills Should You Learn?

Any discussion about college and the failure of young people to enter the workforce upon graduation with in-demand skill sets will give time and space to ambiguous “real skills,” but few actually go into what skills are exactly in demand.

Blogs for Excellence

Given some of my recent posts on productivity and excellence (see the PIE category for some examples), where I outline habits and log my progress in my project to become the best version of myself, I have received questions concerning what I think the best websites for productivity are.

Starting Your Day With Forward Momentum

I try to give myself major items to complete every day. Beyond a to-do list, these are the items I want to progress on that given day. it may be a goal about how I want to structure my life, a topic I want to end the day having learned about, or a project that, […]